Monday, November 8, 2010

You Can Quote Me On That

I have always thought it would be cool to be quoted.  To say something so profound that many people agree with what you say and feel it is worthy to repeat it and use it again.  We use quotes all the time...."Home is where the heart is", "You are what you eat", "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."  Do you recognize any of those?

Here are some others that I have seen :

We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles. --Jimmy Carter

The one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable.  --JFK

We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but habit. --Aristotle

All of these were just from this week!  What starts to become obvious, especially if you have children, we are quoted all the time.  Billy said, Jenny says, my mom's amazing how much you are quoted in just one day if you think about it.

Your words have weight.  Sometimes they are so heavy , they feel like you are getting hit by a rock or a brick.  They can hurt.   Once your words are out, you can never take them back.  Even with an apology, the damage has been done and they have a way of being in the back of the mind of the person you launched your verbal assault on.   

So as you are quoted each day, let your words be a reflection of how you truly want to be seen.  Are your words kind?  Are they meaningful or are they hurtful?  When I speak out in frustration, I am purposely trying to hurt others.  I know I am choosing words that are hurtful and I always have regret later. 

 Speak without regret. 
This is something I am working on.

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