Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I lovvvve Halloween!  I love the change in temperatures and the crispness in the night air.  I love the costumes, what an awesome way to show your creativity.  I love the decorations, so this year I decided to make a Halloween grapevine and fill it with all kinds of fun Halloweenie stuff.

I love the movies, and telling my kids ghost stories and being scary (no comments from the peanut gallery please about me being scary all year around).  We have always taught our kids it is okay to be scared...what do I mean, it can be fun to be scared by someone because you are empowered to know that we will not let anything bad happen in that situation.  The reality of ghouls and goblins and all those things are that they are fiction.

Last year, Peyton ran through the Haunted House with her dad.  Hayden says he will go in with them this year--so I am going to have to see if I can empower myself to go with them.  I still have zombie memories from all of the Haunted Houses my friend Dawn and I went through as teenagers.  My children love to be scared!

So as Kevin carves his pumpkins and my kids go to bed and contemplate what kind of candy they are going to get this weekend...Have a fabulous Halloweenie and keep it fun!

The Halloween Kidds

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Have a Blessed Day!

I have friends who sign their e-mails "Have a Blessed Day."  My mom even takes it a step further and says "God Bless You and I Love You"  each time I am getting off the phone with her.  Even though she has been doing this for years, I still am unsure how to respond to her.  Sometimes I say, "God Bless You Too" (this sounds like we are having a sneeze contest) and most times I say, "I Love You, Bye."  I am still very thankful she does it, it is like there is a tiny prayer in there for me and my day to go well.

I am going to take it a step further, what if WE are the Blessing in each day.  Joyce Meyers says, "Start each day intending to be a blessing to everyone you come in to contact with."  Man, that is tough.  Some days I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, the wrong side of my husband and I must be getting in the car on the wrong side too!  (This seems to usually happen on Mondays by the way)  Sometimes my attitude is definitely in need of an adjustment. 

What if we ALL did take that challenge though?  What if we ALL decided to be a blessing?  Can you imagine how much more pleasant it would be at the grocery store, in traffic or at your job?  With only 69 days left until Christmas, think how much less we would dread Christmas shopping if we knew that people would be making an effort to be a blessing. (Yeah, that's right, 69 days.  You better get started) 

So, as we start a new week, I will simply say, "Have a blessed day!" for each day is truly a blessing.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lap Burns

I said "Lap Burns" not "Lap Dance" people......I digress.  Have you heard all the big to do about getting lap burns on GMA and MSNBC?  Apparently people who are using there laptops for extended times without putting anything between their laptop and their skin are suffering burns.  The story they showed had a girl who had skin discoloration and she said she would often use her laptop in her lap for up to 8 hours.  I'm gonna say that a little self awareness as well as a little common sense might work well with this particular affliction.  If it burns, move it.  If it gets really hot, move it.  If you smell something burning, check your legs and move your laptop!

They are calling it, "Toasted Skin Syndrome."  There are actually pics of what it looks like and can cause permanent nerve damage and hair loss on your legs.  So this means I am actually dancing with danger by writing this blog.  I am putting my self at risk for your pleasure, I think I deserve a reward!

                    Do you smell something burning?