Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bulkie Genes!

My mom purchases in bulk and then passes it on.  My latest gift from my mom, a huge package of paper towels.  We had 2 new rolls in the cabinets, but she did not find them--so now, we have 6 new rolls.  She also likes to give me soap in bulk.  I am not sure how I feel about this.  Are we a messy, dirty family?  My mom is giving me a complex! 

Am I a bulk buyer too?  Is bulk in my genes?  I do enjoy a good stroll through Sam's, but who doesn't.  (I will use those 3 giant bottles of ketchup, so don't judge me.)  My grandmother on my dad's side buys bulk in socks and cup towels, we get them every year for Christmas.  All the girls get cup towels, the boys socks.  I guess with 7 kids and triple that in grandchildren, bulk is a way of life.

I really am thinking way to hard about this.  Kevin swears I buy his socks and underwear in bulk.  His theory is --If I buy him 30 pairs, I only have to do his laundry once a month.  (That is genius if you ask me!)  I'm just trying to make sure he has stylish options, whether it be polar bear boxers or plaids, he is covered. 

I think I am not so bad with bulk purchases, unless shoes count!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Let Us Give Thanks

As we approach Thanksgiving, the obvious things I am thankful for are the the things listed on my "Good Things" list on the right. (Ok, I am not that shallow, I can live without the shoes)  Being thankful is all about perspective, I think we would all answer we are thankful for God and family.  Are you thankful every day?  Are you thankful for the little things?

Sometimes I like to give my friends "Thankful journals" or "Thanks Filled Journals" as gifts.  It is a little journal for them to write everything they are thankful for each day.  This is were the perspective part comes in, you can be one of the most negative people in the world (you know, a Debbie Downer or the glass is half empty kinda person), but when you truly focus on the good things that happened to you each day can find a whole new perspective.  It is less about the things you don't have and more about all the positive things that happen to you every day.  Don't take for granted that a person held open the door for you or you found enough change to get a Dr. Pepper from the coke machine. (love it when that happens!)  What about the really special days when someone expresses that they care enough for you to have you in their prayers!

When you start to focus on all the good you have in your life, you are altering your perspective to such a positive place.  It was just that easy!  So give thanks this week and make it a habit to give thanks everyday...write it down if that's what it takes.  Give one of your friends a Thankful Journal and hold each other accountable to write something down each day.  Your life is better than you realize!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I Spanx I Can

As Thanksgiving comes closer, with all the home cooked goodness we are about to partake in, the more reliant I will become on my Spanx.  (For the few guys that may read my blog, a Spanx is a constricting undergarment that helps keep you held in)  How many of you go to try on clothes and think I may be able to wear this with my Spanx?  I do all the time, only for me, it is more like ---With the right mirror & the lighting just so, and if I suck this in and have my Spanx...I might look pretty good in this!

How did guys get so lucky?  No Spanx, No Make up, No heels.  Just shower, dress and go?  So unfair.  I think there should be one day a year where guys are required to take at least  1 1/2 hours to get ready.  They should be required to wear make up on this day and heels, maybe even pantyhose and a skirt.  We could call it "I Appreciate Women Day" or maybe "I Feel Pretty Day."  No sports logo clothing permitted please.  My minds not made up yet on whether they should have to shave their legs on this new found holiday.  (Guys, quit your belly aching, it will grow back!)

I know, some of you may say, why not just spend the day without heels and make up and all the works?  I have those days and they are spent at home, where no one can see!  I am doing you a favor by putting my make up on to go to soccer games.  I was made to accesorize!

Monday, November 8, 2010

You Can Quote Me On That

I have always thought it would be cool to be quoted.  To say something so profound that many people agree with what you say and feel it is worthy to repeat it and use it again.  We use quotes all the time...."Home is where the heart is", "You are what you eat", "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."  Do you recognize any of those?

Here are some others that I have seen :

We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles. --Jimmy Carter

The one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable.  --JFK

We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but habit. --Aristotle

All of these were just from this week!  What starts to become obvious, especially if you have children, we are quoted all the time.  Billy said, Jenny says, my mom's amazing how much you are quoted in just one day if you think about it.

Your words have weight.  Sometimes they are so heavy , they feel like you are getting hit by a rock or a brick.  They can hurt.   Once your words are out, you can never take them back.  Even with an apology, the damage has been done and they have a way of being in the back of the mind of the person you launched your verbal assault on.   

So as you are quoted each day, let your words be a reflection of how you truly want to be seen.  Are your words kind?  Are they meaningful or are they hurtful?  When I speak out in frustration, I am purposely trying to hurt others.  I know I am choosing words that are hurtful and I always have regret later. 

 Speak without regret. 
This is something I am working on.