Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hallows Eve

It's the day after Halloween....the day in which teachers are thankful that we send our kids to school crashing from their sugar high.  The day in which you try to figure out creative ways to incorporate all your left over Halloween candy in to Thanksgiving recipes. (Won't this candy corn look adorable as decoration on top of my dressing?)  The day my Jack Russell Terrorists spends hiding Tootsie Roll pops in my shoes, laundry baskets and bras.  (He is great at hiding eggs at Easter too!)    It's the day you realize that you only have 53 days left to get your Christmas shopping done.  (Say it ain't so!)

We had a small get together Friday night with friends and family.  Costumes were required!  Everybody brought a ghoulish dish.  Lots of good eats to be had.  (Can you really call a party a party without spinach dip and sausage balls?  I think not)  We also set up a fog machine with strobe lights outside our front door so all of guests could cough & choke while having seizures as they rung the doorbell.  We filled the bathtub with water and glow sticks and put radio active signs all around the bathroom as the tub glowed with a greenish hue.

We played scary movie charades, I know it was wrong to include the movie title "The Human Centipede" in the mix on the grounds that it is soooo wrong, but it made for a great acting out in charades.  (You know you have been married a long time when your spouse gets what you are acting out from one small hand gesture!)  By the way, when Kevin was trying to show us on his arm how many syllables, I yelled out, "Taking your pulse!"  This is not cool in the charade world I found out.

We had a witch, a zombie WalMart associate, Troy from Swamp People, Cotex, a Convict, my sister-in-law came dressed as a WalMart shopper (dressed in her pajamas of course like all WalMart shoppers).  I was Minnie Mouse, I really felt the need to rap every time I put on my big hands. (Those hands were made for over exaggerated hand gestures!  Yeah, BOY!)   Kevin was an Avatar, but he lacked the commitment his costume required!  His full body blue suit ended up half off by the end of the night with his mask disregarded for eating!

Hope you had a great Halloween, now get to Christmas shopping!

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