Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What?! No Way!

Well the last two months have been pretty crazy in the Kidd house.  We have seen Peyton and Hayden in an awesome play at church with a little write up in the newspaper.  I have been in a wreck, had my car totaled, bought a new car and turned 40. (Kev turned 41, the only thing worst than turning 40)  We had a great birthday party for Hayden with a video game truck.  To top it all off, I got a call Monday on Martin Luther King day asking me to appear in a commercial for the local car dealership I bought my vehicle from.  What?! No Way!

Here is the scoop on how the whole thing went down.  My initial answer was no, visions of being immortalized on a car commercial and over analyzing everything about myself every time it came on did not sound so good.  "Does my eyebrows look even?"  "Why did I wear that?"  "Do I really sound like that big of a hick?"  I got off the phone & told my kids and they were so excited, I called Kevin, "You should do it."   Every one thought I should do it.  What the heck, you only live once, might as well try something new.

Today was the commercial shoot.  I went to the lot at 1:15.  First had to sign a release so they could use my image.  I was to be second after another lady who had recently bought a car.  I was instructed to listen to her and see how it is done.  She told them "No close ups, I do not want every one to see my wrinkles."  They had the camera set at a distance on a stand.  At this point I am already broke out in a big red blotchy spots on my neck.  Is it getting warm in here?  What is she saying? I can't hear her very well.  The more she talked, the dryer my mouth became. 

My turn.  They got me to set on a high chair in front of a
yellow corvette.  I was instructed they would interview me and I would need to answer questions with full name of dealership as well as full name of vehicle because I would be the only one with a mic and it would not make sense.  Got a mic put on, the box is set in chair on my back.  That's uncomfortable.  Will that make me look like I am setting weird?  Interview begins.  What did I say?  Did I use full names?  O my goodness, the camera guy is taking camera off stand and coming really close!  How big are my pores going to look that close?  Now they would like me to do the tag line with the companies name in it.
Man my mouth is dry.  Do it again, this time we will shoot from right side.  Do I have a good side? Is my right side my good side?  Please do it again and look at camera.  Lips are now sticking to teeth every time I smile, I am sure of it.  One more time and look at me.  Hold the smile.........pretty sure my lip is quivering.  Is it hot in here to you?  I am done!!!

Headed out to my car, look at the clock, 15 minutes!  Now I truly know what it means  to be on the hot seat.  It seemed like an eternity.  So if I don't end up on the cutting room floor, you and I will find out what I said when it is shown on tv because I only remember bits and pieces.  I think I am going to add "Make a Commercial" to my bucket list and check it off.  I have not convinced Kevin to put a star on my door yet.  If this is how 2011 has begun, I can only imagine what adventures are to come.


  1. aw! i was all happy cuz i thought i was the one who talked you into it! i'm glad you did it and i'm sure you looked great! guess i'm gonna have to get cable again so i can see it!!!

  2. Lese, you definetly influenced my decision! Your push is why I called her back & said yes.
