Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How Dare She!

How dare she!  There was a life lesson to be learned there!  How dare she solve her own problems. 

 As most of you know from my last blog Miss P and her spankies had a little run in with Pauly Walnuts.  She got in the car super excited from Cheer Practice because she won the spirit award for the day--"Mom guess what, I won the spirit award and I didn't even have to use spirit fingers!"  "Also, I got a new pair of bloomers!"  I was shocked, "Where did you get those, do we owe money...I already got you 2 pair!"  She was shocked.  Of course I had not told her I got her any to teach her that life lesson.  

She is only 10 after all and I am sure I've got quite a few life lessons to teach her still, like take care of your things and put them up where your dog can't chew heart shaped holes in them.  I guess I will let her solve this one for herself, Pauly is continually making his rounds so I am sure this will be an issue again in the future.  So as she starts her 5th grade year she is starting to pick out her own clothes and style more, she is trying to occasionally see if we notice she has lip gloss on and she is solving her own bloomer problem.  I guess this is the beginning of her growing into her own person--not that she hasn't always had her own opinion, believe me.

P.S.  Peyton thinks the above picture is really embarrassing because she is holding all those spankies.