Friday, August 12, 2011


This month my little ole' blog turns 1 years old!  It's a toddler now.  It's learning it's boundaries, growing and becoming it's own little entity.  It is crawling on it's own.  I know, I know, you have put a gift in the mail right? 

 It is time for a celebration in the life it has lived in it's short little year!   It has gone on trips, gave you details of my families quirks, shared it's heart with you.  The growth has been sooo encouraging in being connected to others that have the same life experiences and being asked, "Are you going to write a blog this week?"  Yes, OH Yes!  (This one question alone can fuel my need to be a people pleaser & hope to bring you something that will make you laugh or let you know I have gone through that too!)   Empathy is always best observed by someone who is going through the same things you are and can relate in your life lessons!

I have tried to be very diligent in making sure I write at least one blog a week.  (Just don't hold me to the day of the week it will come out.  Life gets to busy for that.)  In celebration of it's birthday, it has a new look.  What do you think?  Be Honest!

My sister-in-law recently opened her self up to topic suggestions for her blog.  It looks fun, so, it's time for the interactive part of our show people.  Is there any topic you would like to suggest for a blog?  I love getting your feedback on facebook or on the bottom of the blogs!  It's like finding a little piece of chocolate, I just eat it up!

Let me finish by saying THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for reading it.  Thank you for letting me vent, laugh, smile, praise, share, wear goofy outfits, shop, be a proud parent and travel on life's journey with you! 

As long as you are willing to still read them, I will write them.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday HipKidd Blog! Love the new look! Just wanted to say thanks for the list of prompts you willingly shared with me! Now here is a question for you....What would your dream job be? If you could who is the ONE person you would like to have dinner with and why....this person can be dead or alive, rich or poor, fiction or real. What is something you wish you could do? Would you ever want to jump out of an airplane?
