Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cast of Characters

Last week, we helped out with our VBS at our church & I am exhausted.  It started Wednesday night and ended on Sunday night from 6-8:30.  Our VBS theme this year was Kickin' It Old School by the Go Fish Guys.  The concept was all centered around music and taking old songs that every one knows and remixing them with a rock beat or a hip hop beat or a swing beat.  The point was, even with Bible verses, they are relevant to your life today.  Last year, they put us in charge of puppet shows....this year they put us in charge of skits.  What were they thinking?  We agreed to it!  What were we thinking? One skit every night. 

 My thinking was, "Okay, let's dress as crazy and over the top as possible every night and maybe it will distract them enough that they wouldn't notice we don't know our lines."   It helped that we have a bin full of Halloween costumes and a 11 year old girl to borrow all the neon you could possibly want.  We wore sunglasses each night so they could not see us scanning our lines on a clipboard.  All & all it worked!  The kids could not wait to see what outlandish, wacky thing we would be wearing and it was all in fun for the kids.  I remember going to VBS as a kid and I loved it.  I hope we created a good memory for the kids this year.

So the cast of Characters we had were:

Rasta Impasta  w/ My Little Pony Gotee                     
Neon Wannabe
Welcome to The Thunderdome or Celo Green's got nothing on me
Video Killed the Radio Star
Gun's n Noses
Big Money or Yaaaaaa Boy
Village People Indian (This doesn't have a pic)

We ended the week with a skate party at Skateland.  Stick a feather in the cap for 40 year olds, I skated and I didn't fall! (Not that I didn't  do the "Oh My Gosh, Help Me Shuffle" a couple of times and my friend did get taken out by a skittle and has the bruises to prove it)  Kevin even managed a couple of circles.   There is a whole generation of kids that don't know how to roller skate.  There were kids splayed out on the skating ring floor like a Roller Boogie war zone!  It definitely felt like we were kicking it old school, all I needed where my skates with the light up wheels with 50 Poms Poms attached to them and the swamp cooler blowing through my wings.  

I am hoping to catch up on sleep and rest by the end of the week!

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