Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back in the Saddle

Well I'm back in the saddle, so to speak, but let me just say I am having trouble holding on!   We are half way through the first week of school and the earlier time is killing me.  The kids had to be at school by 7:55 last year, this year the tardy bell rings at 7:45.  I know, I know, it doesn't seem like much time, but for some reason I am waking up every morning at 5 AM with paranoia that I am going to make the kids late or wake them up late!  I am waking up before the alarm ever goes off with the thought, "I have to get them there on time."   "I have to be awake to wake them up on time."  We haven't been late, we have actually been early, but I am having this major anxiety about it!  Craziness!

So far, both kids love their teachers.  I am keeping my fingers crossed  that this love/love relationship lasts the whole year.  I have found my patience are put to the test when it comes to keeping my kiddos on task with their homework!  My daughter can get off track with sharing the latest 6th grade girl drama pretty quickly.  (Can't we all just get along?!?)  My son is more concerned with the time it takes to be done than the quality.

Now time for a total 360 degree turn.  Last blog I opened up for suggestion topics and my sister-in-law had a few.  They were:
What would your dream job be?
 If you could who is the ONE person you would like to have dinner with and why....this person can be dead or alive, rich or poor, fiction or real.
 What is something you wish you could do?
 Would you ever want to jump out of an airplane?
My dream job would be to have a little shop or boutique.  I would love to go to market and buy stuff!  I am trying to convince my friend Kim that I could be her stylist and personal shopper. 
The who would you want to have dinner with is one of those questions you always see in people's bios.  It is also one of those questions that always throws me for a loop.  There are just too many ways to go with this one.  I think I am more of a dinner party kinda girl.  On the one hand I feel obligated to list Jesus (otherwise I might get my Christian card revoked).   I would probably add my deceased grandpa to my dinner table, he passed when I was 5 but I remember being extremely close to him.  One of my most vivid memories of him was flying kites in the middle of a dirt road in front of my grandma's house.  Probably add some one like Oprah, just for a perspective kind of view of what it is like to be her!  Can you imagine having that kind of power?  Throw a Warren Buffett in to get a perspective on economy and making money.  Maybe the new perspective of technology from someone like Mark Zuckerberg (although after watching the movie I am not sure I would like him).  Can you imagine the Conversation at this dinner?  Jesus would probably bring us all to task!
Something I wish I could do?  You have got to go with travel on this one.  There is a whole world out there waiting for us to see it.  I hope I am going to get to do more of that in the future.
Last but not least, Would I jump out of a plane?  This is actually on my bucket list.  I want to say without  a doubt I would do this....but my fear of heights might make this a problem!  I think if you strapped me to someone and let me piggy back them and they through me out of the plane I can do this!  Kevin is thinking this is not a good idea with my track record of injuries.  We will see!

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