Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lap Burns

I said "Lap Burns" not "Lap Dance" people......I digress.  Have you heard all the big to do about getting lap burns on GMA and MSNBC?  Apparently people who are using there laptops for extended times without putting anything between their laptop and their skin are suffering burns.  The story they showed had a girl who had skin discoloration and she said she would often use her laptop in her lap for up to 8 hours.  I'm gonna say that a little self awareness as well as a little common sense might work well with this particular affliction.  If it burns, move it.  If it gets really hot, move it.  If you smell something burning, check your legs and move your laptop!

They are calling it, "Toasted Skin Syndrome."  There are actually pics of what it looks like and can cause permanent nerve damage and hair loss on your legs.  So this means I am actually dancing with danger by writing this blog.  I am putting my self at risk for your pleasure, I think I deserve a reward!

                    Do you smell something burning?

1 comment:

  1. I'm all for hair removal...on my legs...I guess proper placement is a must!
