Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Kick the Bucket

Have you noticed how popular "bucket lists" or "things to do before I die lists" have become?  There is even a show about it on MTV.  I think everybody has one, I know I do.  I haven't taken the time to write mine down and I think it is because that makes it permanent and almost like a contract.   I know I add stuff to mine all the time, but I don't know that I mark things off my mental list very often.  Maybe I am afraid of failure, my list would become a big novel of things I haven't done. 
Some things on my list is to ride in a hot air balloon(I am really afraid of heights by the way),  parachute jump (this would only work if I am attached to someone and they threw us both out of the plane) and another one is to travel to lots of places.  One thing I did accomplish on my list this year was to write a blog--one thing down a million more to go!  What are some things on your list? 

 Let's all work on accomplishing something on our list.

1 comment:

  1. I want to go to Rome and visit India I think I will have to go alone as Michael is not so thrilled about those places... He will go with but I think we may have to pit stop in Ireland for him, not a bad compromise huh.... Oh yea and well probably be about 70 when we can afford to go!
