Monday, May 16, 2011

Under the Brim

This blog is a day late and a dollar short (as my grandmother likes to say) because after a two day meeting out of town for my job, Hayden's last soccer game of the season and six loads of laundry, I am playing catch up!   For Mother's day, the powers that be at our church decided it would be "Hat's off to Mothers."  This meant that every one was invited to wear a hat to church.  I have to admit, that thanks to the Royal Wedding and the Kentucky Derby, I had the hat bug!  I was very excited about the whole out of the box fashion experience.

I went out on the hunt for a hat.  I found several I liked, but wasn't willing to spend to much because more than likely this was a one time thing.  I didn't want to spend $50-$100 on something that may never get used again, so I decided on a $18 dollar hat.  As the day approached to wear my hat, I found myself being apprehensive about wearing it.  Realization set in about being conspicuous and standing out. 

I decided to "carry" my hat in the car with me.  I did this for a couple of reasons, one --wide, brim hats are like cat whiskers--your big old head isn't going to fit every where, like in your car.  Your brim pushes your head away from the seat.  Two--again with the standing out like a sore thumb in public thing, I didn't want to set next to a group of people at the red light with them staring at my big hat.  "Look at that Lady trying to drive with her big hat mama!  She can't put the back of her head against the seat." 

On the way there, I noticed all kinds of men wearing hats and driving, there was one with a baseball hat, a cowboy hat(what do you do with your brim sir?) and one in a little Frank Sinatra looking hat.  It was as if they were challenging me, "We have the guts to wear our hats in public, why don't you?"  As I parked at the church, I decided to carry my hat in just in case the whole church was playing some cruel hat joke on me and I was the only one who did not know about it.  "As she enters the church, every one jump up and point and laugh!" 

I entered with hat in hand and stealthy ninja moves ready for any one who jumped out.  I saw a lady with hat on head pass in the hallway, then I saw my Pastor with her hat on!  Aww these are my peeps! (Nothing like being part of the herd.)  Acceptance!  There were lots of people wearing hats.  For those who chose not to participate, the kiddos made "special" hats with floral ribbon and silk flowers attached. 

It was worth the mild case of hathead I suffered for the rest of the day.  By the way, when you wear a hat, your perspective from under the brim looks something like this:
It's always in your peripheral vision. 

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