Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In Search of Perfection

Finding perfection in this world is an exception not the norm.  It is our little quirks that make us who we are.  However, there are a few things that I will forever be searching for perfection.  Here's the list:

1.  The perfect shoe - A shoe can be perfect for a number
                                    of reasons--it could be perfect for
                                    an outfit or maybe it is so
                                    comfortable that it feels perfect.
2.  The perfect purse - Pockets are important here as is
                                      pocket placement.  You gotta
                                      have a phone pocket, a zipper
                                      pocket.  You have to be able to
                                      see what's in it easily.  How it
                                      rides on the shoulder, how it
                                      stands up on it's own.  Slouchy
                                      purses are sometimes hard.
3.  The perfect coat -  Pocket placement is important
                                     with this as well.  It can't feel
                                     bulky or heavy.  You have to be
                                     able to lift your arms.  Also, like in
                                     Christmas story, you have to be
                                     able to lower your arms too.

5.  The perfect pet name - They say a good test for a
                                            child's name is if you can
                                            stand on your back porch and
                                            call out to them and it sounds
                                            good.  The same is true of a
                                            pet's name.  My dog's name is 
                                            is Pauly Walnuts, it fits him
                                            because he is a little nuts.  It
                                            came from The Soprano's.
6.  The perfect underwear - Pockets placement is not 
                                              important here!  Comfort is
                                              important. How they ride is

Some people search for perfection in their food, some in their hair, some in their jeans.  I would love for you to share with me what your quest for perfection is for?

The closest to perfection a person ever comes is when he fills out a job application form.  ~Stanley J. Randall

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